Sunday 18 November 2012


This is a picture taken from the 1954 film Rear Window, directed by Alfred Hitchcock, I have chosen this image, one because this is one of my favourite films, but also because I think it is an excellent example of composition. Firstly, the contrast an framing of the image is brilliant, and I love how what he is looking at has been edited so it is reflected on the lens of the camera, but also he has used the rule of third so that the reflection is a third of the way across. James Stewart's face and body is also off to one side, maybe not fully two thirds across, but it doesn't need to be, everything is framing and placed well, and the contrast between the light and dark really gives it an eerie feel. Overall, I feel this picture has a really interesting composition.

This is a link to a very useful help page explaining about what composition means, in photography, rules for a good composition and tips for beginners.

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